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A chatbot is a computer program or artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to simulate conversation with human users, typically through text-based or voice-based interactions. Chatbots are used in various applications, including customer service, information retrieval, task automation, and entertainment. Here's how a chatbot typically works:

Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Chatbots use natural language understanding techniques to parse and interpret user inputs. This involves breaking down the user's message into tokens, identifying entities (such as names, dates, locations), and extracting the user's intent or request.

Dialogue Management: Once the user's intent is identified, the chatbot determines the appropriate response or action based on predefined rules or machine learning algorithms. Dialogue management techniques help the chatbot maintain context, handle multi-turn conversations, and generate coherent responses.

Response Generation: The chatbot generates a response to the user's input, either by retrieving pre-defined answers from a knowledge base, executing a specific task or action, or generating a new response using natural language generation techniques.

User Interaction: The chatbot presents the response to the user through a text-based interface (such as a messaging app or website) or a voice-based interface (such as a virtual assistant or voice-activated device). The user can then respond or interact further, and the conversation continues iteratively.

Learning and Improvement: Some chatbots are equipped with machine learning capabilities that enable them to learn from user interactions and improve over time. This may involve collecting feedback, updating dialogue models, or retraining the chatbot on new data to enhance performance and accuracy.

Overall, chatbots provide a convenient and efficient way for users to interact with computer systems, access information, and perform tasks using natural language. They leverage advances in natural language processing, machine learning, and conversational AI to understand user inputs, generate appropriate responses, and deliver personalized experiences across various platforms and domains.

Learn more AI terminology

Federated Learning

Deep learning

Prompt engineering

Generative AI

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT)

Natural language processing(NLP)

Machine learning

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