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Deep neural networks (DNNs)

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are a class of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with multiple layers of interconnected neurons, designed to learn hierarchical representations of data. DNNs are widely used in various machine learning tasks, including image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, and more. Here's how a deep neural network typically works:

Input Layer: The input layer of a DNN receives the raw input data, such as images, text, or audio signals. Each neuron in the input layer represents a feature or dimension of the input data.

Hidden Layers: Deep neural networks consist of one or more hidden layers sandwiched between the input and output layers. Each hidden layer contains multiple neurons, which perform nonlinear transformations on the input data. The neurons in each hidden layer are connected to neurons in adjacent layers via weighted connections, and they apply an activation function to the weighted sum of their inputs to produce an output.

Weighted Connections: The connections between neurons in adjacent layers are represented by weights, which determine the strength of the connection between neurons. During training, the weights are adjusted iteratively using optimization algorithms such as gradient descent to minimize the difference between the predicted output and the true output (i.e., the loss function).

Activation Functions: Activation functions introduce nonlinearity into the DNN, allowing it to learn complex patterns and relationships in the data. Common activation functions include sigmoid, tanh, ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), and softmax, depending on the task and architecture of the DNN.

Output Layer: The output layer of a DNN produces the final output or prediction based on the learned representations from the hidden layers. The number of neurons in the output layer depends on the task, with one neuron for binary classification tasks, multiple neurons for multi-class classification tasks, or a single neuron for regression tasks.

Training: DNNs are trained using labeled data and an optimization algorithm such as gradient descent to minimize the loss function. During training, the model learns to adjust its weights and biases to minimize the difference between the predicted output and the true output.

Backpropagation: Backpropagation is a key algorithm used to train DNNs, which calculates the gradient of the loss function with respect to the model's parameters (weights and biases) and updates the parameters in the direction that minimizes the loss.

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Deep neural networks (DNNs)

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