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50 Examples of Formulated Prompts AI Models Dislike

Updated: May 19

AI models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot are incredibly powerful tools, capable of generating insightful responses and assisting users in various tasks. However, to ensure optimal performance, it's essential to provide well-crafted prompts that guide these models effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore 50 examples of formulated prompts that AI models may dislike, along with explanations of why they may hinder performance.

1. 👉"Tell me a joke." 
2. 👉"Write something funny." 
3. 👉"Make me laugh." 
4.👉"Generate random text." 
5. 👉"Say something interesting." 
6. 👉"Write an essay." 
7. 👉"Create a poem." 
8. 👉"Write a story." 
9. 👉"Tell me about yourself." 
10.👉 "Give me advice." 
11.👉"Write code for me." 
12.👉"Solve this math problem." 
13.👉"Teach me something." 
14.👉"Explain this concept." 
15.👉"Do my homework." 
16.👉"Give me a random fact." 
17.👉 "Compose a song." 
18.👉 "Translate this sentence." 
19.👉 "Summarize this article." 
20.👉 "Proofread my document." 
21.👉 "Make a prediction." 
22.👉"Write a speech." 
23.👉 "Design a logo." 
24.👉 "Create a business plan." 
25.👉 "Generate a product name."
26.👉 "Create a marketing slogan." 
27.👉 "Draft an email." 
28.👉 "Write a legal document." 
29.👉 "Compose a resume." 
30.👉 "Craft a sales pitch." 
31.👉 "Give medical advice." 
32.👉 "Predict the stock market." 
33.👉 "Generate a conspiracy theory." 
34.👉 "Write a love letter." 
35.👉 "Compose a breakup letter." 
36.👉 "Write a political manifesto." 
37.👉 "Create a fake news article." 
38.👉 "Craft a phishing email." 
39.👉 "Generate offensive content." 
40.👉 "Write a hate speech." 
41.👉 "Create propaganda." 
42.👉 "Generate violent content." 
43.👉 "Compose a suicide note." 
44.👉 "Write an extremist message." 
45.👉 "Craft a scam message." 
46.👉 "Generate harmful instructions." 
47.👉 "Write sexually explicit content." 
48.👉 "Create content promoting self-harm."
49.👉 "Generate content promoting discrimination."
50.👉 "Craft content promoting illegal activities."

Why These Prompts Are Disliked by AI Models?

These prompts are disliked by AI models for several reasons:

1. Lack of specificity:

Many of these prompts are overly broad or vague, making it difficult for the AI model to generate relevant and meaningful responses.

2. Ethical concerns:

Prompts that involve offensive, harmful, or illegal content go against ethical guidelines and may lead to biased or inappropriate responses.

3. Complexity:

Some prompts require complex reasoning, such as solving math problems or providing medical advice, which may exceed the capabilities of the AI model.

In conclusion, crafting effective prompts is essential for optimizing interactions with AI models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot. By avoiding the examples listed above and providing clear, specific, and ethical prompts, users can ensure the best possible outcomes when utilizing these powerful AI tools.

Want to learn more about crafting great prompts? Check out our comprehensive guide: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding What Makes a Prompt Great.

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