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7 most effective AI websites to enhance your productivity

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

How can I best use Ai to be more productive?

" Here are seven AI websites that are effective in enhancing productivity, along with some tips and tricks for making the most out of them:

1. Grammarly (

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing skills and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Tip: Install the Grammarly browser extension to receive real-time writing suggestions while composing emails, documents, or even social media posts.

Trello is a popular project management tool that uses AI to organize tasks, collaborate with teams, and track progress.

Tip: Utilize Trello's power-ups feature to integrate AI-enabled tools like Butler for automation, voting systems, and calendar syncing to streamline your workflows.

3. Evernote (

Evernote is an AI-enhanced note-taking application that allows you to capture, organize, and search for your notes across multiple devices.

Tip: Leverage Evernote's AI feature called "Context" to discover related content and information that might be relevant to your notes, enhancing your research and productivity.

Pocket is an AI-driven bookmarking tool that allows you to save articles, videos, and web pages to read or watch later.

Tip: Utilize Pocket's personalized recommendations feature, powered by AI algorithms, to discover relevant content based on your reading preferences, saving you time and improving your knowledge.

5. Calendly (

Calendly is an AI scheduling tool that helps you schedule meetings and appointments without the back-and-forth emails.

Tip: Integrate Calendly with your preferred calendar application to automate the scheduling process and provide a seamless experience for both you and your meeting participants.

IFTTT (If This, Then That) is a platform that connects different apps and services, allowing you to create automated workflows using AI.

Tip: Explore pre-built AI-powered applets on IFTTT to automate repetitive tasks, such as saving email attachments to cloud storage, posting to social media, or syncing files between applications.

7. Wolfram Alpha (

Wolfram Alpha is an AI-powered computational knowledge engine that provides answers, insights, and analysis on a wide range of topics.

Tip: Take advantage of Wolfram Alpha's advanced calculations, data analysis capabilities, and visualizations to solve complex problems, perform research, and gather valuable information.


Utilizing AI-powered websites can greatly enhance productivity and streamline processes. By taking advantage of the technology available, individuals and businesses alike can save time and resources while achieving optimal results. These 7 websites are just a starting point for those seeking to incorporate AI into their workflow, and the possibilities for further innovation and optimization are endless.

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